What's in a Name: Why Healing Farm?
Given the turmoil, stress and challenges we face in society particularly our own health and sanity, relationships with one another, and most importantly the health and future of our Planet; we need time to reflect on our values and priorities for present and future generations.
How do we do this? We at Healing Farm feel that an important first step is take the time to visit, observe, and reconnect with our natural environment. In doing so one regains a sense of belonging to and with "Mother Earth", with each other, as citizens on this planet and with our communities.
The above philosophy drives the long term vision for Healing Farm which is to aid in making a reconnection between people and their environment. We offer opportunities to observe and learn about: ecosystems; their functions and roles in sustaining life; organic farming; - including ways to produce healthy natural foods without degrading the environment; the application of both low and high 'tech' means for preserving food; and education sessions on stewardship, horticulture and animal husbandry. Healing Farm is a registered certified organic 18 acre farm. (I.O.P.A. 1704). We hope that Healing Farm can contribute to healing ourselves, our society and our planet.
Why The Symbol?
The symbol is that of our grandparents who came from Russia seeking a better life. As part of an ethic group they became disenchanted with the controlled life style so they returned to their grassroots of living and working on a farm. The image from a real photo in the early 1930's was taken to reflect the start of a new life by sharing their hopes and aspirations through symbolically sharing a stalk of wheat. We have adopted this image to follow this dream for our children and future generations to have a healthy, happy and sustainable way of living.